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L'organisation du CHP

General presentation - Composition

Created in February 1995, placed under the aegis of the chairman and managing director of La Poste Group represented par the culture and patrimony head, the Comité pour l´histoire de La Poste groups together postal managers and academics.


The chairman and managing director of La Poste Group

The honorary president of La Poste Group

The general manager of La Poste Group

The managing director of La Poste Retails Outlets

The managing director of La Banque Postale

The managing director of mail, parcels and domestic services

The managing director of Geopost

The human resources and employee relations managing director

The strategy and innovation, foreign and european affairs managing director

The communication managing director

The managing director of Poste Immo

The manager of sustainable development


The executive director of La Poste Retails Outlets of Ile de France

The executive manager of Mail of Ile de France

An executive manager of Parcels of Ile de France


The head of patrimony and culture of La Poste Group

The head of L’Adresse Musée de La Poste of Paris

The head of the archives board of La Post Group

The head of the French National Archives

The president of the FNARH association (Fédération Nationale des associations de personnel de La Poste et de France Télécom pour la Recherche Historique)

Permanent employee of CHP :

Photo Sébastien RichezMr Sébastien RICHEZ
(Ph. D. in contemporary history, university of Caen / Basse-Normandie), research fellow

 To download the CV

Are appointed members of the plenary committee and of the scientific commission of CHP :

Mr Reynald ABAD, professor of modern history, university of Paris Sorbonne - Paris 4

Mrs Anne-Claude AMBROISE-RENDU, professor of contemporary history, university of Limoges

Mrs Anne BURNEL, chief commissioner of patrimony, head of the Archives board of La Poste Group

Mrs Sabine EFFOSSE, professor of economic and social contemporary history, university of Paris - Nanterre

Mr Patrick FRIDENSON, director of studies at The Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Mr Andrea GIUNTINI, professor of economic history, university of Modena (Italy)

Mr Eric GODELIER, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique

Mr Pascal GRISET, professor of contemporary history, university of Paris Sorbonne - Paris 4

Mrs Odile JOIN-LAMBERT, professor of history and sociology, Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Mrs Muriel LE ROUX, senior research fellow at CNRS, scientific programs director of CHP

Mr Arnaud PASSALACQUA, professor of spatial and town planning, University Gustave Eiffel

Mr Laurent TISSOT, ordinary professor of contemporary history, university of Neufchatel (Switzerland)


Musée de La Poste
Comité pour l’histoire de La Poste

34 boulevard de Vaugirard

75015 Paris

E-mail :

M° : Montparnasse (ligne 13, ligne 6), Falguière (ligne 12)